



这是对针对亚裔美国人的袭击增多的回应, Middle and 上学校 came together for a 对抗针对亚裔的歧视 Assembly, 由保利亚洲协会主办, 3月12日. 这是八人被枪杀的四天前, 其中6名是亚裔女性, 亚特兰大地区的水疗中心.

保利 亲和力组 参加大会的有:亚洲协会, 马沙拉俱乐部, 以及多民族/多种族亲和群体. 小组成员包括: Leo Wang, 23岁, 亚洲协会学生领袖; 安塞尔·吴21岁亚洲协会(Asia Society)会长; 吉奥莉•Purohit, 21岁马沙拉俱乐部的联合主席; 扎克·塞托,21届, student leader of 多民族、多种族 affinity group; and 威廉·凌里根,1924年, 他是亚洲协会的成员, who led the part of the assembly on the history of anti-Asian bias/violence in the U.S.

“We sincerely hope that people will be willing to open their ears and listen to us with intent.”

安塞尔·吴21岁, president of Poly’s Asia Society, was a panelist for the virtual assembly. “Our group serves as a safe space for both people of Asian heritage and not of Asian heritage to chill, 进行讨论, 了解和分享亚洲文化,他说. “We hope to fight anti-Asian racism by continuing to talk and educate others about this topic, and we sincerely hope that people will be willing to open their ears and listen to us with intent.”

Ng 说 he hoped that students would take away from the assembly that “anti-Asian racism is something that has existed for a long time, 而且这不是最近才出现的现象. I also want them to understand that it is a serious problem that exists in the United States and that it cannot be ignored.”

保利学生可以做些什么来创造改变? “学生们可以做一件事来帮助他们,”吴恩达说.  “听. When we talk about racism that affects us, please don’t ignore or refute us. Instead, listen, and ask yourself if anti-Asian racism is tolerable or not.”


扎克·塞托,21届 是多民族/多种族亲和团体的学生领袖, which he describes as “a place for multi-racial students to navigate their complex identities and share their personal experiences.” Seto 说 he hoped that students in attendance at the forum “could take away that anti-Asian racism has always been present, 当它被COVID-19激怒时, that we should continue to address anti-Asian micro and macro aggressions. I also hope that they carry their awareness and knowledge gained into their own private conversations and relationships, 与家里和周围的人讨论这个问题.”

吉奥莉•Purohit, 21岁

吉奥莉•Purohit, 21岁 is a co-president of the 马沙拉俱乐部, which is a South Asian affinity group she leads with 阿尼莎·卡纳,12岁 和数学老师 自己大梵 担任指导老师和学生生活主管 亚历克斯·戴维斯. Purohit shared a few personal memories and stories in the assembly and was also a panelist in the Q&A在最后. “Though the extreme spike in the already troubling hate crimes against Asian Americans has primarily been targeted toward East Asians,普罗希特说, 我很感激, 作为一个南亚人, for the opportunity to speak at what I believe is the first Asian-American centered assembly I’ve 过 seen at Poly and to be optimistic of a successful beginning to a more nuanced and widespread conversation about Asian American Pacific Islander [AAPI] discrimination.她谈到马萨拉俱乐部时说, “虽然我们是一个小群体, I have already found such a strong sense of community and family with the other members and our discussions of shared cultural experiences. We have already started and hope to continue working with our fellow 亲和力组 to create a stronger code of community standards and to encourage more unity between all POC.”

Purohit 说 she hoped that after the assembly students “were able to connect all the stories and discrimination in the news to friends and peers that they know and care for to see how microaggressions that they may unintentionally perpetuate affect us on a daily basis.”


Purohit suggested, “Don’t just post aesthetically pleasing infographics on your Instagram story. I’d rather you post nothing if you’re not actively doing the research and work to understand the injustices not only the AAPI community faces but that all other communities of color face, 太. Not 过y action or antiracist work you’re engaging in has to be publicized over social media; oftentimes, the most valuable work and reflection is done personally and privately. This is not to say that it is validating and comforting to see genuine support online, 但没完没了的, 有时是无意识的, 在社交媒体上发帖很容易被认为是表现性的.”


大会结束后高中教务长道格黄 说, “从我个人的角度来看, my hope is that students came away understanding that not all racism and bias come in the same forms, 对于一些群体来说, there are more nuanced and insidious ways in which we as a society have tacitly condoned it. To address the more current issue of violence directed at Asian/Asian Americans within New York City and the United States, my hope is that students are paying attention and not discarding it as a non-issue—perhaps even volunteering to help or at least lending a compassionate ear to their friends and peers.”


集会结束后,学生们在亲和小组中见面. 人们的焦虑溢于言表, 救援, 挫折, 愤怒, 并希望学生们处理自己的经历, 感情, 想法和意见,戏剧老师说。 Dr. 吴迦勒, 小组参与者. “人们普遍认为,因为这是第一次集会 从亚洲的角度来解决这个种族问题, 这是非常需要和严重忽视,直到现在. The desire was to continue this conversation and not let it just be a one-off event. The invisibility that many students felt was something they wanted to fix. We made them aware that it would be the responsibility of 过y participant to allow for their stories to be heard and not simply to rely on others to speak for them.”

“I want [students] to know that their voice matters and their action matters, no matter big or small. 我们可以一起为更美好的明天而奋斗.”

普通话的老师 启康 添加, “I hope students can take initiatives to educate themselves more on the history of Anti-Asian racism and more importantly reflect on what they can do to # StopAsianHate 以及任何形式的种族主义. I want them to know that their voice matters and their action matters, no matter big or small. 我们可以一起为更美好的明天而奋斗.”

Dr. 吴作栋说, “我们正在筹备另一场大会,并邀请了一位发言人, 尤其是考虑到最近亚特兰大发生的悲剧. 这可能是下一步.”

Poly students wishing to learn more about or to connect with Asia Society, 马沙拉俱乐部, 多民族、多种族, 或者其他亲和团体应该联系 学生生活主任亚历克斯·戴维斯.
